
In order to carry out our mission, which is focused on young people and their needs, Young Dragons is committed to increased collaboration with other organisations. We value transparency, reliability, and creativity. We develop partnerships with relevant domestic and international organisations, and we link the most intimate ties in Ljubljana.

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Projects and actions with the city of Ljubljana

We have traditionally contributed to city projects or actions in collaboration with the Municipality of Ljubljana, such as European Mobility Week, the Bobri Festival, the presentation of organisations from a large urban family at the Nature-Health Fair, the Človek, čuvaj svoje mesto campain, and so on. With the city, we are looking for new opportunities for greater visibility, new collaborations, and the inclusion of young people in the city’s stories.

Ljubljana Youth Centres Network

We are part of the Network of Ljubljana Youth Centres, and we also coordinate it. We cooperate with the youth centre Skupaj v skupnosti (MISSS Institute), the youth centre Salezijanski mladinski center Kodeljevo, the youth centre Salezijanski mladinski center Rakovnik, the Youth Centre BOB, the youth centre Mladinska postaja Moste (Association Sesame), the Youth Centre Ulca (Bob Institute, Association GOR), the day centres Cona Fužine, Cona Korak, Cona Most, Cona Polje and Cona Cent’r (Cona – Community Programmes for Youth within CSD Moste Polje), the Youth Centre Legebitra, the Youth Centre Vič and youth centre Mladinsko središče Vič. We work together to provide a safe environment for young people in Ljubljana to discover their talents and recognise their own strengths. The network achieves this by connecting and supporting youth centres in MOL, as well as raising awareness of youth centres and opportunities for young people in Ljubljana. It is an example to everyone who connects for the good of the city, builds bridges between formal and non-formal education, organises and implements training for youth workers, is the voice of young people, and a credible interlocutor of decision-makers in the city and beyond, with diverse content and way of working.

MaMA Network

We are an active member and a welcome interlocutor of the national network organisation Zavod mladinska mreža MaMa, which unites and represents youth centres in Slovenia. Young Dragons attend clubs, consultations, and other MaMa meetings on a regular basis, where we share our knowledge and experience.

KROJ Network

The Mreža Kroj network is a link between key players in the youth pitch and encourages young people to create a career path. The network provides young people with access to quality information and opens up space for the development of their potential.

Mlada ulica Network

The Mreža Mlada ulica is a network in which we are connected to organisations that perform youth street work in Ljubljana. The network provides financial and professional support to youth street workers. We take part in youth street worker training, thematic training, interviews, partner organisation meetings, and the organisation of the Streetstival, which is the main event for Ljubljana’s youth street workers.

Prava zveza

The Prava zveza is a network of six organisations that work together to combat human trafficking and violence under the auspices of Ključ. Every year, we organise a variety of activities for young people, as well as inform and organise an autumn concert with the network.

Preventivni programi za mlade

Young Dragons are included in the platform Preventivni programi za mlade (Preventive Programmes for Youth), which is a national multidisciplinary network of professionals and workers, which brings together representatives of government and non-governmental organisations in the field of social welfare and youth work. The organisations involved implement preventive programmes as well as programmes of support and assistance to children and adolescents who lack a suitable family life and are having difficulty growing up. Every year, we collaborate with 16 governmental and non-governmental organisations to plan a group action called Fusbaliga.

International cooperation

In addition to working in the local and national communities, international cooperation is one of the key orientations of the Young Dragons. We achieve internationality through concrete projects in which we form long-term partnerships with organisations that share our values and vision for global youth work. We transfer the best practices of Young Dragons into the European space and beyond through collaboration, acquire new knowledge, and enable young people to participate in a variety of international activities. We are involved in various programmes that promote international engagement. We are active in the Erasmus+ programmes, the European Solidarity Corps, Creative Europe, Europe for Citizens and others.

Our international engagement enriches our membership in various international networks. We are part of the international network of CONNECT International organisations based in Brussels, which was established to develop innovative European projects that ensure the integration of digital rights and the digital agenda with young people and other active citizens. Through the Municipality of Ljubljana, we are involved in the KEKS network, which has its headquarters in Sweden and connects municipalities and youth centres with the Logbook quality monitoring system for youth work. Using the system, we record the learning effects of volunteers and participants in youth centres, conduct regular annual evaluations and thus encourage the development of youth work. We are also part of a creative and transdisciplinary movement The New European Bauhaus that connects the European Green Deal to our daily lives and living spaces. The initiative brings citizens, experts, businesses, and institutions together to reimagine sustainable living in Europe and beyond.

We are involved in the European affiliate Girls Rock Camp Alliance, which is a global network of organisations that implement the Girls Rock programme. The programme’s main goal is to empower girls in the music industry and society as a whole.

  • City Ljubljana
  • Green Capital in Europe
  • City of Literature
  • Office for Youth
  • Movit - Institute for the development of youth mobility
  • Sava Insurance
  • Network YC LJ
  • Youth work

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