Mestni inkubator

An ecosystem that connects young people and the city at all organisational levels through ambitious ideas. We turn young people’s ideas into projects and assist them in becoming a reality. The programme includes workshops, mentoring, and financial support for selected Ljubljana youth projects. The programme is intended to assist young people in charting their path to life and professional experience, which contributes to a higher quality of life in the city.

City inkubator

Young people have enormous potential to create solutions to the challenges that their communities face. All they need is space, knowledge, and trust. Young people are change agents, and with the right approach, they can make a significant contribution to addressing today’s societal challenges.

As a result, the City Incubator educational and mentoring programme is aimed at young people in Ljubljana aged 18 to 29 who are ambitious and have ideas. Unlike entrepreneurial incubators, the City Incubator provides a safe environment for young people to realise their ideas through a thoughtful combination of workshops, mentoring, and financial support. Mistakes are allowed here.

Values that drive the City Incubator:

  • YOUTH in body, mind, and spirit
  • THE COMMUNITY you belong to.
  • An AMBITION that turns fear into innovation.
  • THE AWARENESS that we are fleeting and that ideas (can) outlast us.
  • KNOWLEDGE that flows through creativity.
Dream of your place

Dream of your place

Young people are invited to join the idealists and realise their ideas for improving life in the capital. The City Incubator programme provides participants and programme implementers with a mutual learning experience. The Young Dragons programme is being developed in collaboration with TiPovej!, the Creative Society Institute.

Applications for the year 2023/24 shall be opened in August 2023.

Would you like to know more?

Contact us and write to us at or call +386 51 625 162 (Barbara Rehar)

  • City Ljubljana
  • Green Capital in Europe
  • City of Literature
  • Office for Youth
  • Movit - Institute for the development of youth mobility
  • Sava Insurance
  • Network YC LJ
  • Youth work

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