Radio Eter

Independent Internet medium and media space for young people. Radio Eter is a learning medium that operates on the principle of “For young people, by young people”. The programme is put together by a group of young journalists, as well as experts in society, politics, culture, and music. It currently operates on the central platform, where a music player and a wide range of radio broadcasts and reviews are available 24/7.

Listen to Radio Eter
Listen to Radio Eter

As a result of the transformation of the previous media, Radio Basement, Radio Eter was established in 2021 as a media space of the Young Dragons for young people. The latter was active within the Basement programme of the District Youth Centre until its termination in the summer of 2021. However, as a result of its official inclusion in the media review, it underwent a transformation in terms of appearance, content, structure, and representation. This is how Radio Eter was born, which builds a dialogue between young people by creating high-quality, socially critical, informative, alternative, artistic, and entertaining content and uses radio as a tool for expressing young people’s voices and promoting the coherence of the youth community.

All on the same frequency

Radio Eter currently operates on the central platform, where a music player and a wide range of radio broadcasts and reviews are available 24/7. The team works daily to establish Radio Eter as a platform that unites youth culture through a diverse programme.

Listen to Radio Eter >

Our team

The Radio Eter team is known for its talented journalists. Ivan Slijepčević and Gregor Žibert work in the music editorial office, and Tia Lončar, Veronika Kržičnik, Lara Kovač Jereb, Miša Močilnikar, and Nika Pušlar work in the cultural and social editorial office. The editorial board of the media is headed by acting editor Zia Perko Rogelj. Brina Gorza is responsible for the promotion and publication on social networks. The technicians Rok Molnar and Jaša Kljun are in charge of providing technical assistance, from the installation of communication channels to the installation of radio broadcasts.

Join us

Are you interested in radio marketing, audio and video production, or content creation? Join the Radio Eter team to contribute to the development of a common vision. Assist Radio Eter in becoming known as a hub for youth culture.

Get in touch with us

IG: radio_eter

Tadeja Bučar Atkins, managing editor
+386 40 582 518

  • City Ljubljana
  • Green Capital in Europe
  • City of Literature
  • Office for Youth
  • Movit - Institute for the development of youth mobility
  • Sava Insurance
  • Network YC LJ
  • Youth work

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