International cooperation

In addition to working in the local and national communities, international cooperation is one of the key orientations of the Young Dragons. We achieve internationality through concrete projects in which we form long-term partnerships with organisations that share our values and vision for global youth work. Through cooperation, we spread the Young Dragons’ best practices throughout Europe and beyond, acquire new knowledge, and enable young people to participate in a variety of international activities.

International cooperation

Programmes and Memberships

Young Dragons are active in Erasmus+, the European Solidarity Corps, Creative Europe, Europe for Citizens and others.

Our international engagement enriches our membership in various international networks. We are part of the Brussels-based international network of CONNECT International organisations, set up to create innovative European projects that ensure the integration of digital rights and the digital agenda with young people and other active citizens.

We are also involved in the KEKS network, which has its headquarters in Sweden and connects municipalities and youth centres with the Logbook quality monitoring system for youth work, through the Municipality of Ljubljana. Using the system, we record the learning effects of volunteers and participants in youth centres, conduct regular annual evaluations and thus encourage the development of youth work.

Young Dragons are also part of a creative and transdisciplinary movement The New European Bauhaus that connects the European Green Deal to our daily lives and living spaces. The initiative brings citizens, experts, businesses, and institutions together to reimagine sustainable living in Europe and beyond.

Erasmus+ is a European Union programme that funds projects in training, education, youth, and sports. This allows for a wide range of activities in all areas related to youth work. Take a look at all of the Young Dragons’ Erasmus+ projects since 2016 to get an idea of the types and content of projects you might be able to implement with your organisation.

Collaboration with students and placement of international students in internships Young Dragons represents cultural enrichment and direct contact with young people from around the world.

In the field of international volunteering, non-formal learning, and the acquisition of competencies through international volunteering, with an emphasis on the possibilities of youth participation in European Solidarity Corpse programmes, we are connected with the Voluntariat Institute, which is the leading organisation in Slovenia in the field of international volunteering and global learning. We have been awarded the Quality Label for the role of a hosting and supporting organisation in the European Solidarity Corps programme for the period 2021-2027.

As part of the Erasmus+ program and other programs, we regularly participate in trainings for youth workers, with which we acquire new competencies, transfer good practices to our work and inspire others.

More about Erasmus+

For more details on the mechanisms of the Erasmus+ programme, please refer to the Applicant’s Guide or contact one of the national agencies in charge of managing Erasmus+ funds in Slovenia:

MOVIT – Institute for the Development of Youth Mobility

Dunajska cesta, 5 1000, Ljubljana, Slovenia

t: +386 1 430 47 47

Centre of the Republic of Slovenia for Mobility and European Education and Training Programmes (CMEPIUS)

Ob železnici 30a 1000, Ljubljana, Slovenia

t: +386 1 620 94 50

  • City Ljubljana
  • Green Capital in Europe
  • City of Literature
  • Office for Youth
  • Movit - Institute for the development of youth mobility
  • Sava Insurance
  • Network YC LJ
  • Youth work

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