International web conference "Circle of compassion"

circle of compassion conference 1 bckgrnd

We believe that compassion is a fundamental building block of communities, spreading kindness, understanding, tolerance, warmth and connectedness between people. It is a quality that can be cultivated through practice and it means being aware of how our actions affect other people and ourselves. In the spirit of spreading compassion, we are organizing an international online conference, “Circle of Compassion – Youth work based on compassion”.

We invite you to join an inspiring exploration of compassion and discover its many facets. The conference will be held online and, far from being a traditional seated event, will be held in English. Selected speakers will run interactive workshops highlighting the importance of compassion for empowering ourselves and developing a culture where compassion is part of the work balance.

The conference will take place on 15 March 2024, via the Zoom online platform, between 9.00 and 14.00 CET.


9.00 – 9.30 / registration

9.30 – 9.45 / opening address and conference presentation

9.45 – 11.15 / keynote speakers

Dr Hannah Gilbert, psychotherapist focusing on compassion and working for the Compassionate Mind Foundation.

Monica L. Hanson, Distinguished Lecturer, Consultant and co-founder of the Applied Compassion Programme at the Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education (CCARE) at Stanford University School of Medicine.

David Rand, entrepreneur, educator and researcher on empathy and compassion. He is also the founder of Art of Wisdom in Las Vegas and the director of the Aspen Institute in Washington, DC.

Vinciane Rycroft, Education Project Manager and Trainer at Mind with Heart.

11.15 – 11.45 / break in nature and search for compassion

11.45 – 12.15 / reflections and introduction to the workshops

12.15 – 13.30 / interactive workshops

Dr. Hannah Gilbert / Training the compassionate mind: Science and practice for life’s difficulties

Monica L. Hanson / Compassion as a Choice: A Practical Guide for Young People and their Advocates

David Rand / Empathy + Compassion: Why these two values are important when working with marginalized communities

Vinciane Rycroft / Compassion for Self, for young people and their allies

Marko Pavlovič / How to cultivate compassion in a youth center

13.30 – 14.00 / summaries and closing of the conference


Dr. Hannah Gilbert

Hannah Gilbert has a BA in Anthropology and a PhD in Sociology and is interested in cross-cultural approaches to human experience and mental health. She has lectured at the Universities of London, York and Derby, and has recently lectured in integrative psychotherapy and counselling at Roehampton University, London.

Monica L. Hanson

Monica is a lecturer, consultant and co-founder of Applied Compassion. With a wealth of experience in compassionate leadership and education, Monica has dedicated herself to bringing the transformative power of compassion to a variety of fields.

David Rand

Throughout his career, David has applied empathy and compassion in many companies and projects. Among other things, he has served as Executive Director of a program working with abused and neglected teenagers. He holds a Master’s degree in Psychology from the USA.

Vinciane Rycroft

Vinciane Rycroft is Education Project Manager and Trainer at Mind with Heart. Since 2006 she has coordinated educational programmes and projects on meditation, empathy and emotional intelligence. She founded Mind with Heart, a charity that delivers training to help secondary schools transform their school climate and culture. She has also initiated conferences on Empathy and Compassion in Society in London, San Francisco and Oslo.

The discussion with experts will be moderated by Saša Kerkoš. She is a designer and creative, interested in compassion as a non-compromising value in creative processes for systemic change.


Dr Hannah Gilbert / Training the Compassionate Mind: Science and Practice for Life’s Problems

A compassion-focused approach shows that our brains can be complex and that we can easily get trapped in a state of threat-focus. Compassion can help us to do this by helping us to understand the nature of our thoughts and feelings and by offering many practical ways of working that help us to move from a threat-focused brain to a compassion-focused brain.

Hannah will discuss the findings of the science of compassion and the development of compassion-focused therapy and compassionate mind training, focusing on how they have evolved. In an experiential workshop, she will take you through exercises for training a compassionate mind and show how compassion can be cultivated in everyday life.

Monica L. Hanson / Compassion as a Choice: A Practical Guide for Young People and their Advocates

This workshop will explore compassion, compassion as a choice, empathy, and empathy fatigue, all tailored to the unique experiences and work with young people. Together, we will explore practical strategies for recognising and shifting between empathy and compassion, and getting out of empathy fatigue by fostering a culture of compassion in your teams and organisations.

David Rand / Empathy + Compassion: Why these two values are important when working with marginalized communities

Why are these two values important when working with marginalized communities? David’s workshop will be an experiential introduction to cultivating the desire to grow empathy and compassion.

Vinciane Rycroft / Self-compassion, for young people and their allies

Vinciane will share practical tips from her 14 years of training high school teachers to create a compassionate culture with teens. We will try simple exercises to develop a compassionate relationship with yourself – alone or in a group.

Marko Pavlovič / How to cultivate compassion in a youth center

When we are committed to promoting the well-being of young people, we are more willing to experiment with new approaches to better meet their needs. If youth workers approach their work with compassion, we are more likely to build positive relationships with young people who see us as trusted mentors.


  • youth workers, volunteers, activists or staff working in youth centers and youth organizations,
  • young people aged between 15 and 29 (volunteers, activists, youth leaders, users of youth centers or organizations) with whom we come into contact and for whom we do our work.
  • the professional public, academics, social workers, practitioners, activists and other stakeholders who are active in the intersection of youth work and youth mental health.


Register online using the online form. The deadline for applications is 8 March 2024.

Participation in the conference is free of charge for participants and limited to 100 people. The conference will be held in English. The project was conceived by “Ambassadors of Compassion” and is supported by the Erasmus+ programme.

For further information please contact: or 051 625 232 (Maja M. Gašperšič).

  • Datum
    Torek, 20. 2. 2024
  • Avtor
    Maja M. Gašperšič
  • Oznake
    #compassion, #leadership, #international

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